About Online OBE Coaching

Personal tuition and coaching are probably the most effective way to learn astral projection or self-induced out-of-body experiences. People have widely different skills and needs and a personal approach is ideal to cater to you as an individual. Other methods are always limited as they have to use a more one size fits all approach. The coaching on the other hand allows you to benefit from Graham Nicholls experience directly. He had his first OBEs in 1987 and first worked in this area publicly in 1990, so he has been teaching people to have OBEs his entire adult life.

The coaching is usually based on one session per week (or every other week) with email backup and journal reviews and comments, allowing you to learn in a way that suits your schedule and from anywhere in the world via video call (or phone).


The coaching also includes a FREE infra-liminal recording (this is not binaural beat technology), developed and refined since 1998 when Graham first experimented with subliminal and sound in his immersive structure Epicene (see the image below), which was specially designed to induce the vibrational state, OBEs and trance states.

There are various coaching packages available. Please use the contact form below for more details.

In Person Training in London (and elsewhere)

In person OBE private training is also possible depending upon Graham's schedule and location, please enquire for more information.

About Graham Nicholls

Graham Nicholls is the author of two books on the out-of-body experience and is a leading expert and practitioner in the field. He has had hundreds of OBEs since the 1980s and has spent many years teaching and guiding people through their first experiences.

Apart from Graham Nicholls verified/witnessed out-of-body experiences, another unique aspect of his work is his use of high-end technology. Since 1998 he has developed immersive structures and virtual reality projects designed to alter our state of consciousness. Drawing from classic research into sensory deprivation and trance, he developed unique ways to reach the OBE.

He has also conducted, and taken part in, experiments into non-local perception, or psi abilities, with Dr. Rupert Sheldrake in the UK, and Dr. Dean Radin at the Institute of Noetic Science, as well as The Rhine Research Center in the US (all with positive results), he is also a advistory board member of The Rhine and a lecturer. His first book entitled 'Avenues of the Human Spirit' explores his OBEs, spiritual transformation and philosophy. His second book entitled, Navigating the Out-of-Body Experience explores the practical methods and science related to OBEs..

"One of the world's leading experts on astral projection" - BBC Radio

“Graham Nicholls has probably had more verified evidential out-of-body experiences than anyone” - David Watkinson, Allreality.com

"There are a great many other methods for having out-of-body experiences and astral projection. A trawl of the Internet will quickly deliver scores of techniques that promise to place these fascinating experiences in your own hands. None of them — and I reluctantly place my own work in this category — can hold a candle to Graham Nicholls' methods." - J. H. Brennan, New York Times Bestselling Author

"Nicholls [second book Navigating the Out-of-Body Experience] stands out as one of the best books on the subject" - Tom Campbell, NASA physicist, and author. 

"Graham Nicholls is the person who convinced me that my brain-located model of consciousness was restricted in that there is evidence that consciousness can perceive information outside of the confines of the brain-sensorium. Graham presents powerful evidence that we are more than just a brain-embedded entity."
 - Anthony Peake, Author of The Out-of-Body Experience, and others.

Key areas covered include:

  • Overcoming fear, anxiety and apathy
  • Simple relaxation and stress relief
  • Building a personal profile for greater self-understanding
  • Understanding the Vibrational State
  • The G-Technique and Multi-Dimensional System
  • Personalised techniques (and understanding how they work)
  • Recognising when you are close to an OBE
  • How to leave the body
  • How to travel further
  • Other levels of reality

For more information and a quote please use the form below:


'Within 3 weeks I had 2 out-of-body experiences through Graham's OBE coaching. I was able to meet my young son Mario whilst we were both out of our bodies and my son clearly remembered it with no prompting from me. '

- Esteban, United Kingdom

'The four weeks of OBE couching with Graham were great for focussing in on what the techniques are aiming to achieve i.e ‘the essence’. This allowed me to avoid ‘sensory overload’ with the mass of misleading information out there and numerous techniques available. This allowed me to ‘ focus-in' on what works for me. Within two weeks of practice I’d achieved my first OBE, and another 10 days later at a time where I thought it wouldn’t be possible (Just as I go to sleep- VERY tired) followed by three smaller OBEs in succession last night at bedtime after my final Skype call with Graham where he managed to really convey the subtleties of the practice. Graham is generous and kind by nature and this helped to alleviate any fears I had, whilst making me feel secure in my progression. I look forward after a period of practice to resume additional couching with Graham.'

- Greg, United Kingdom.

Quoted from an email: 'Just to let you know Graham, I have been putting a lot of effort into your exercises, and the transformation is amazing and unfolding through each session. It is truly the most powerful practice I have ever done, and I have read, attended retreats, talks, meditated, but nothing has been so transformative. Maybe I was in the right space for it but I think there is much that could be achieved with your techniques that would make this world a better place.'

- Eamon, Ireland

'I've found Graham's one-on-one approach to be the most effective method as compared to seminars or off-the-shelf manuals. The one-on-one method allows to perfectly tailor and customize the approach according to the individual needs. This is so very valuable given the delicate nature of the enterprise! Also, for me it is crucial to have a coach at hand to discuss all the stuff that comes up during the learning process and then to decide on the strategy to follow accordingly. I've very much enjoyed the sessions with Graham because his professionalism and wealth of expertise make the sessions flow smoothly, and I immediately felt safe and comfortable working with him. I can recommend Graham as a highly professional and experienced, yet easy-going, gentle and very dedicated coach.'

- Madeleine, Switzerland

'The techniques Graham offers are very effective in increasing the frequency and quality of OBE travels. I recommend Graham to anyone who wants to loose the bonds of "the matrix".'

- Jim, Canada

'During my month course with Graham I found myself learning methods that have been so useful--not just for inducing OBEs but also for accessing deeper levels of awareness within myself. During each lesson I could feel myself being drawn towards a natural way of unfolding my inner self, and all of that was happening without any planning or setting. Above all of that having had the pleasure to talk with Graham so freely gave me the opportunity to be close to his life through the teaching of his experiences and his spontaneous way of relating to life, from a very multidimensional perspective. Thanks once again Graham for the beam of light you are here on this planet.' - Vento, Italy